Trident Investor
Your Trident Investment plays an important role in community, collaboration, and kinship by making possible a distinctive event space for special gatherings and community celebrations.
This gift may be spread over multiple years in a time frame that best meets your financial circumstances.
With a Trident Investment of $2,500,000, your company will receive the following:
- Your name or company name will be prominently displayed in a permanent manner on the Tactical Gear Interactive exhibition. Your name or company name will be displayed for three years. At three years, you will have an opportunity and first rights to renew their naming opportunity.
- Your name or company name will be listed on the exquisite Donor Wall of Honor in the appropriate gift level location. The Donor Wall of Honor will be displayed in the Navy SEAL Museum San Diego entrance/lobby area where hundreds of thousands of visitors will come through annually.
- Complimentary lifetime entry to the Navy SEAL Museum San Diego for your family and friends.
- An invitation to a Special VIP Appreciation Reception with the Board of Directors and leaders of the Navy SEAL Museum San Diego, Navy leadership, community influencers, local politicians, and civic leaders within 12 months of making a pledge.
- Your name or company name and logo listed in the Navy SEAL Museum San Diego website in the special Capital Campaign section.
Founders Circle Investor
For More Information
Contact Information
Kim Rhinehelder | Director of Development and Capital Campaign
(619) 566-7956
San Diego, California
Send us a Message
The information provided on this website does not constitute legal or financial advice. Financial planning decisions should be made solely in conjunction with the consultation of a qualified professional.