Matthew Schiff

Matthew Schiff Assistant Marketing Director I am a twenty-two year marketing industry veteran with experience on both the agency and client side of the desk. Additionally, I hold two Masters degrees (MBA and Public History) and wrote my thesis on San Diego’s changing...

Brian Drechsler

Brian Drechsler Executive Director Retired Navy SEAL Brian “Beef” Drechsler is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a 1998 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, earning a bachelor’s degree in economics. He was a member of the Navy Football Team and was elected to...

Rick Kaiser

Rick Kaiser Chief Executive OfficerRetired Navy SEAL Rick was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After attending Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training Class 109 in Coronado, California, he was assigned to SEAL Team TWO in 1980. Rick deployed three times with...