Exhibition by Floor
Each exhibition will inspire visitors with a unique view into the world of the Navy SEALs, individuals who–despite great challenges and adversity–accomplish incredible feats through intensive training, perseverance, “teamabilitiy”, and adaptability.

Ground Floor

The SEAL Mindset Theatre:
This immersive experience will introduce visitors to the mental grit and indomitable mindset of the Navy SEAL. Visitors will come face-to-face with the discipline, perseverance, and intensity it takes to become–and succeed–as a Navy SEAL.

Inspiring vignettes with activated media will allow each guest an immersive, personal experience, built on historic facts while encouraging one’s own imagination for the highest level of engagement, enjoyment, and education. The scenes will show SEAL training and teamwork, under intense pressure and unsavory conditions. Through auditory media, the warrior within will come to life, as each vignette will focus on a unique aspect of the Navy SEAL mindset and the devout personal commitment to success.

Training during Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S), underwater navigation, reconnaissance, and demolition, jumping out of a plane, or boarding a hijacked vessel–these immersive experiences will be conveyed to the visitor through themes of adaptability, teamwork, and perseverance.

Media walls will feature content highlighting the history of SEALs, with unique displays of contemporary artifacts and scaled models. Visitors will understand the development and progress of SEALs through time, a formidable group still writing history today.

The SEAL Mindset

Memorial Wall:
One of the mandates of our mission is to “honor our fallen.” Immediately after the Immersive Theater where the visitor has just gotten their bearings about what these elite warriors do, they will be confronted by the Memorial Wall, honoring fallen Frogmen from World War II to the present day who have sacrificed all for country in training or combat. The Honor Wall will display more than 300 names of these selfless men. Visitors will have an opportunity to learn more about each of these heroes.

Memorial Wall

Second Floor

SEAL History by Era
Beginning with their origins in WWII, the predecessors to today SEALs will be brought to the forefront of the fascinating story, unfolding history operation by operation, beginning with the beaches of Normandy.

Korea will be highlighted as the next era, with insights into the continued evolution of the Frogman with special reconnaissance, Hell Boxes, inflatable boats, and dry suits.

The era of the Vietnam War saw SEALs come into their own as the “Men with Green Faces” and their exceptional command of the jungles and deltas.

The Cold War presented unique challenges for SEALs, with countless conflicts. Included in this history lesson will be Grenada, Panama, the Gulf War, and Somalia, to name a few.

The Global War on Terror will feature the role of SEALs in Afghanistan and Iraq, their relentless pursuit of the preservation of freedom through Sea, Air, or Land, and how the warrior has continued to adapt to the challenges of a changing world.

Present Day will feature the role of SEALs today and their relevance into the future safeguarding our freedom.

SEAL History by Era

Special Warfare Combat Crewman (SWCC)
For every one Navy SEAL out there, there are 10 NSW support individuals behind them. One of the most integral, are their SWCC counterparts. Visitors will ride along with these small-craft operators who deliver, retrieve, patrol, and conduct reconnaissance for Special Operations missions.

Operation Neptune Spear
Visitors to the Museum will get an up-close look at the Navy SEAL operation that captured Osama bin Laden. 3D animation will guide the audience through the operation’s major steps from planning to execution to extraction. Guests will engage with riveting recent history revealed to understand what it takes to launch high-risk missions to neutralize high-value targets.

Cause Higher Than Oneself
Navy SEALs, as well as all military service personnel, serve the public good by safeguarding our way of life and our liberties. Here visitors will be challenged to identify a cause or mission that is bigger than themselves, as well as how they can support it and what kind of SEAL skills can they implement into their own lives.

SDV Interactive
When the U.S. Navy needs to get SEALs to their destination from a medium-range distance—and do so completely underwater—they can use a SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV). These vessels can be launched from submarine torpedo tubes or various surface ships. Visitors will get the opportunity to “pilot” one of these submersibles via a video game interface. The user will get the idea that inertia is more apparent underwater, and players will have to anticipate a turn early by slowing their speed to avoid a collision. Museum visitors will be interacting with this game while being underneath a real SDV that is suspended 15-feet above. Executive Director (and retired SEAL) Captain Todd Perry says, “Visitors will be immersed in this exhibit and experience what it takes to ‘fly’ this wet submarine through challenging mission scenarios—although they will miss out on the cold, cramped, and ear-popping environment of the real thing!”

Virtual Reality (VR)
*Not included with regular admission.
Navy SEAL Museum is working with the same company who designed many of the virtual reality experiences on The Midway Museum. At NSMSD, visitors can purchase an additional experience that is not to be missed. Imagine being a Navy SEAL being briefed at the sand table by your Commanding Officer. You learn what the mission is, how to achieve it, and what’s at stake if you do not. Then you’ll be infiltrated into a choice of environments, carry out the mission in a “look left, look right, look up/down” interface, complete with sensory additions like movement and wind and sounds. Then get extracted and debriefed with your Team once you (hopefully) complete your mission!

SEAL History by Era