News and Intel from Navy SEAL Museum San Diego



How “The Creature” Arrived at BUD/S

So you Wanna Be a Frogman?

How “The Creature” Arrived at BUD/S

When BUD/S candidates arrive at Silver Strand Training Complex (SSTC, or colloquially knows as “The Stick”) to begin their training, they confront a reptilian creature with a Trident in its left hand inscribed with the question: “So…Ya Wanna Be a Frogman?” But how did it come to be a fixture of BUD/S? And who brought it there?

It was October of 1971, about three weeks before graduation of BUD/S Class 63 as CRD Bill Reed, USN (ret.) explains. “The “Creature” (from the Black Lagoon) was the class gift brain-child of our class 63 honor-man Chuck McAdams who first spied the monster adorning leather belts, and other south-of-the-border-type souvenirs, on one of his forays to Tijuana (no longer authorized, I’m sure) during training.”

Now, fifty-three years later, the “Tricentennial Graduation” for Class 63—Class 363—graduated on October 17, 2024.

Over a dozen Class 63 members were in attendance and they told the story how they acquired this iconic statue in Tijuana, carried it across the border to the delight of the graduates.

Since this original icon can never be replaced -nor should ever be moved -Navy SEAL Museum San Diego acquired a 2024 version. Built and donated by Stever Mueller (Class 197. It complements Steve’s first ‘Creature’ creation already on display at Fort Pierce. This NSMSD version was seen for the first time in public at BUD/S and is now on display at NSMSD for all to see across the tracks at the MTS Trolley Transit Station.

You don't have to go through BUD/S to see The Creature

You don’t have to go through BUD/S to see The Creature

Navy SEAL Museum San Diego’s exhibition team has just put the finishing touches on an engaging display adjacent to the Museum at the MTS Trolley Transit Station. Continuing the story of The Creature above, we can now share with the general public what only BUD/S candidates get to see.

The Creature display also includes educational exhibits of the infamous BUD/S bell that SEAL candidates who quit the grueling training have to ring in front of everyone, the significance of the Navy SEAL Trident, and more. The public display is meant to whet the appetite of passersby and drive interest in the upcoming Museum’s opening, scheduled for Summer/Fall 2025.

Navy SEAL Museum San Diego Plank Owner Campaign

Progress as of November 30, 2024

Navy SEAL Museum San Diego Plank Owner Campaign Progress as of November 30, 2024
Plank Owner BUD/S Class Campaign logo

Fellow UDT/SEALs,

You and I have been trained to lead from the front. And we are hearing from those outside our community that, “If SEALs lead the efforts in building a Navy SEAL Museum in San Diego…then we will follow.”

Every Frogman can play a role in leading this effort to build the Navy SEAL Museum in San Diego through the Plank Owner BUD/S Class Campaign.

Let’s set a precedent for others to follow – Let’s light a fire of patriotism – Let’s provide a place of pride for our families and friends – Let’s help build the Navy SEAL Museum in San Diego.


Rick Kaiser, CEO Navy SEAL Museum
BUD/S Class #109 (the last hardest class)

Paul Plumb, UDT Class 44, Says His Class Was the Top Class (also)

It seems apparent that every UDT or SEAL who has ever gone through BUD/S, thinks that his Class is the hardest, or the best, or that they were the toughest to come out of it. Much of that may or may not be true.

What’s clear and unmistakable, however, is that those UDT/SEALs who have given to Navy SEAL Museum’s Plank Owner Campaign truly feel that it’s a worthwhile donation, and one that will help establish a place where the history and heritage of the forefathers of UDT/SEALs can be preserved for generations to come.

If you didn’t go through BUD/S, don’t worry! Gifts can be made to pay tribute to an individual or BUD/S Class by loved-ones, classmates, and friends. A gift made in honor or in memory is an extremely meaningful way to praise and show your admiration.

From the Archives - Enter the Frogmen Story

From the Archives

“Enter the Frogman” – One of the early articles that introduced UDTs to America.

Read the January 1946 News Story Magazine article “Enter the Frogman” describing the entrance of Navy Frogmen in underwater demolition work and the invention of Christian Lambertsen’s rebreather.

Navy SEAL Museum's 39th Annual Muster and Music Festival

Strategic Partnerships – NSMFP Celebrates Its 39th Anniversary

One Museum, One Mission, Two Locations

On November 1, 1985, National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum opened in Ft. Pierce, Florida. In doing so, it offered local residents a chance to take a peek into the world of U.S. Navy SEALs, or “Frogmen” as they were still colloquially called. Local residents and the occasional visitor to that part of Florida had a unique opportunity to interact with retired UDTs one-on-one, hearing stories from the individuals who were actually there.

Since 1985, the whole world had changed in ways

so complete that we pause when considering some of the major ones: the fall of Communism and the Soviet Union, the advent of the internet, the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the world that has ushered in. But, some things have stayed the same. The force now called, U.S. Navy SEALs and their SWCC partners are still out there defending our country, and the public interest in Naval Special Warfare continues to grow.

On November 1 and 2 of this year, Navy SEAL Museum Ft. Pierce celebrated their 39th anniversary with, logically, the 39th Annual Muster and Music Festival with a theme of “Honoring Strategic Partners.” Keynote speaker Captain (SEAL) Rick Woolard, USN (Ret.), Chairman of the Museum Board, emphasized the importance of strategic partnerships recounting his time in the Teams and the invaluable support of the strategic partners who were especially instrumental for he and his men in Vietnam.

The annual festival is in honor of another strategic partner in their mission—the patron and/or museum member. As Navy SEAL Museum San Diego begins to generate support and financial contributions to assist in its construction and subsequent opening, we, too, understand how important our strategic partners are to us. There is a saying in the Teams that “two is one, and one is none” which means, that no one does anything alone. You need a swim buddy, a support to be counted on. Bringing Navy SEAL Museum San Diego to the town that is home to the largest concentration of Naval assets in the United States military, the place where all SEALs go through BUD/S, home to the SWCC force, will take many partners. Once built, NSMSD will be there to support the residents of San Diego through our Community Engagement Impact Programs. We will support the curious visitors to this Museum by giving them SEAL-to-public interaction and a chance to learn about the kind of character that makes it through BUD/S and impart those principles of teamwork, adaptability, and determination that can serve in one’s personal life. And we will be a place that members of the military—especially NSW families—can count on to be a space of honor, reflection, and support for their sacrifices.

Click here to learn more about the 39th Annual Muster and Music Festival.

Give the gift of history this holiday season!

Are you looking for a unique gift for the holidays? Do you have a current or former NSW operator in your life?

Did you know that Navy SEAL Museum’s photo archives are online to view and available for sale?

Check out our online library and search key words to find the right image for you or a loved one this holiday season!

Digitization of NSM’s archive was made possible by a generous grant from The Navy SEAL Foundation.
Navy SEAL Foundation
Give the gift of history this holiday season!

Support NSW Families Through the CFC

The CFC promotes and supports philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all Federal employees and retirees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.

Funds raised for The National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum supports our Trident House Charities which provides resources to families of Naval Special Warfare

If you are a Federal Employee, you can help!

Learn more about the CFC here.

Support NSW Families Through the CFC
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