News and Intel from Navy SEAL Museum San Diego
With just under two months remaining, we’re making a final push to have every BUD/S Class represented in the Plankowner Campaign and we need your help to get there. Thanks to the incredible support of the NSW community, families, and friends, we’ve already raised over $700,000, bringing us closer to our goal of $1 million.
To highlight the importance of this campaign, our Executive Director, Capt. Brian “Beef” Drechsler, U.S. Navy (Ret.), shares why this Museum will be so important in San Diego.
As the former Commodore of the Naval Special Warfare Center, he knows firsthand what it takes to earn the Trident and why this Museum will be a lasting tribute to that legacy.
Museum’s CEO Provides Context on Upcoming
Netflix Documentary
Everyone knows the blockbuster feature film “Black Hawk Down,” but to condense a story that complex into two hours is a challenge. So an upcoming Netflix documentary titled “Surviving Black Hawk Down” seeks to add a few more.
Abbie Black, of CBS8 San Diego, interviewed Navy SEAL Museum CEO Master Chief, Rick Kaiser, U.S. Navy (Retired), who was in the Battle of Mogadishu, for his perspective on the series’ release and what he hopes it will convey.
Navy SEAL Museum CEO Master Chief, Rick Kaiser, U.S. Navy (ret.) was in the Battle of Mogadishu, and hopes “the series inspires a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military and their families.”
“The Battle of Mogadishu is more than a story of intense conflict and great loss; it’s a story of unwavering commitment to the mission and to each other.”
While not interviewed for the docuseries, Kaiser played a pivotal role in the operation amidst relentless urban warfare and bloodshed. His actions, marked by exceptional courage and strategic precision, earned him the Silver Star for Valor.
“The Battle of Mogadishu was a defining moment in my career and in the history of modern warfare,” said Kaiser. “The Netflix series brings to light the sacrifices made by so many and the incredible bond shared by those who were there. The story is relevant, even 30 years later; we took away invaluable lessons from Somalia. It changed my life forever.”
When Navy SEAL Museum opens in late 2025, visitors will be able to interact face-to-face with our volunteer and docent corps, and hear more tales of valor from real Navy SEALs. Who knows, you might even see Rick walking around.
“Surviving Black Hawk Down” premieres globally on Netflix on February 10, 2025.

NSMSD’s Immersive Theater is Becoming Reality
In early February, Navy SEAL Museum San Diego’s exhibition design firm, Gallagher & Associates, conducted interviews with key individuals of Navy Special Warfare’s past and present.
These interviews will be used as key elements to be displayed in the first-floor Immersive Theater space. Upon entry to the Museum, visitors will first encounter the Medal of Honor Wall, then turn into a darkened space closed in on three sides. Each wall beams a larger than life immersive video where guests will learn directly from an extensive pantheon of SEALs who convey their perspectives on cause, service, and country.
Visitors will hear from SEALs across the service spectrum. Interviews with Vietnam veteran and Radioman 3rd Class, Hal Kuykendall U.S. Navy (retired), LT Jason Redman, U.S. Navy (retired), LCR Jocko Willink, U.S. Navy (retired), and Vice Adm. Tim Szymanski, U.S. Navy (retired), what inspired them to serve, what it took to make it, and what skills they took from their experiences for their lives ahead.
Come see for yourself when we open in Fall 2025!
If you’re following the Navy SEAL Museum’s Plank Owner Campaign, you don’t want to miss this update.
Over 900 SEALs are Leading from the Front to demonstrate that the Navy SEAL Museum in San Diego is important. Everyday BUD/S Classes are meeting their target. They are raising $5,000 so that their Class Number will be etched on the larger-than-life Diver Statue which will be prominently displayed outside the Museum.
To date an impressive $800,000 has been raised with 85 BUD/S Classes meeting target and another 230 Classes well on their way to meet goal.
Keep your eye on the numbers as we as we work our way to the finish line. Click www.navysealmuseumsd.org/plankowner often.
Don’t forget we have this Special Opportunity:
Gifts can be made to pay tribute to an individual or BUD/S Class by loved-ones, classmates, friends, colleagues, and the general public. A gift made in honor or in memory is an extremely meaningful way to praise and show your admiration.
If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to Kim Rhinehelder at kimrhinehelder@navysealmuseum.org or call at 916/301-2208.

Robert “Buck” Halperin
One of the—if not THE—first man on Utah Beach
Few names in Naval Special Warfare history have as much accolade associated with them, yet remains relatively anonymous to the greater world as Robert “Buck” Halperin.
As one of the first of the volunteer Scouts and Raiders, he may have been one of the first United States servicemember to go ashore at Utah Beach during the Normandy invasion. After the war, he earned a bronze medal for his county in the 1960 Olympics in sailing, then became a founding partners in the company that is today Lands’ End. We know what you’re thinking, “someone needs to make a movie out of this story!”
Well, you’re all in luck. Fortunately, Buck’s son, Dan Halperin, is making a film about his father’s remarkable life. Click here to read a piece written specifically for this SITREP by his son, Dan Halperin.

The Trident House Charities Program (THCP), an initiative of the National Navy SEAL Museum, is dedicated to supporting Special Operations Forces and their families? When we open our doors, admission revenue to Navy SEAL Museum San Diego will directly fund these programs. These programs include K9 support, respite houses, and direct financial support to NSW families.
Learn more about the many avenues of support open to NSW families.
Anytime is the right time to give the gift of NSW History!
Do you have a history buff in your household? Do you have a current or former NSW operator in your life?
Did you know that Navy SEAL Museum’s photo archives are online to view and available for sale?
Check out our online library and search key words to find the right image for you or a loved one.
Digitization of NSM’s archive was made possible by a generous grant from The Navy SEAL Foundation.